Jane Smith

Jane Smith is a member of Newcastle Greens and is The Greens candidate for Charlestown in the 2007 NSW State Elections. This is Jane's campaign blog.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Congratulations Peter Gray

Newcastle environmental activist Peter Gray had a huge win in the NSW Land and Environment Court yesterday.

The climate change impacts of burning coal extracted from coalmines will now have to be considered by the NSW Government as part of the environmental assessment and approvals process.

Greens MP and mining spokesperson Lee Rhiannon says if Premier Iemma wants to convince the electorate he is committed to averting climate change he must deny approval for the proposed Anvil Hill coalmine following yesterday's court decision.

"The government must drop its plan to use new legislation passed last week to overturn the Land and Environment court's decision on Anvil Hill and commit to evaluating all new coalmines in terms of their greenhouse gas emissions," Ms Rhiannon said.

"Premier Iemma cannot claim climate change as a key election issue while approving this mine that will produce more emissions than come from all vehicles on NSW roads every year.

"The Greens congratulate Peter Gray for taking on the NSW government and achieving his aim of having greenhouse emissions considered as part of the planning process.

"If the government chooses to ignore the court's decision and the environmental impact of emissions from the proposed mine it does so at its own electoral peril.

"Only yesterday a government survey showed people in NSW rate the environment as the third most important issue in their lives, following family and friends.

"Whether Anvil Hill goes ahead or not is now symbolic of the government's sincerity on climate change.

"People have woken up to the threat of climate change and want governments to actively address it.

"Putting on a climate change caring face and committing to greenhouse reduction and renewable energy targets, while driving the coal industry's expansion, will not wash.

"The Anvil Hill mine will increase Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by five per cent.

"If Planning Minister Frank Sartor approves the mine he will have a tough time trying to justify his decision to the public, particularly as the March 2007 election approaches," Ms Rhiannon said.


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