Jane Smith

Jane Smith is a member of Newcastle Greens and is The Greens candidate for Charlestown in the 2007 NSW State Elections. This is Jane's campaign blog.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Greens Welcome NSW Renewabale Energt Targets

NSW Upper House Greens MP Ian Cohen today welcomed Premier Iemma's decision to implement mandatory renewable energy targets as a significant step in the right direction.

"NSW is the powerhouse of the Australian economy and is also the largest producer of coal fired electricity, which is the biggest single cause of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia," Mr Cohen said.

"It is therefore imperative that NSW take action, and these targets are a reasonable first step. The Greens would have preferred a target of at least 20% renewable energy by 2020 rather than the 15% the Government is proposing, but at least targets are now on the table.

"I believe the interim target of 10% in four years time is the biggest positive. As the renewables industry expands it will increase its earning capacity and therefore its overall economic importance. Economies of scale will also see the cost to the consumer reduce over time.I am hopeful that these developments will enable the industry to drive itself and ultimately exceed the targets set by the Government. It is pleasing to see the targets will be reviewed in 2013.

"It was also encouraging to hear Mr Iemma tell journalists that he is aware that this is only the beginning of the battle to combat climate change, and that other initiatives will soon be forthcoming.

"Given that this scheme allows electricity retailers to source their renewable energy from across Australia, The Greens will be vigilant in ensuring the Premier keeps the promise he made today that energy providers will not be able to double dip and claim credits with two states at the same time.

"The Government won't legislate for these targets until after the election in March. I therefore call on the leader of the Opposition to outline whether a Debnam Government would match these targets, and also to specify what his party intend to do to combat climate change in general.

"It is positive to see the Premier staring down the climate sceptics in his party and showing some leadership on this issue. The Government is finally moving towards implementing realistic solutions," said Mr Cohen.


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